5.0 and up
Android OS
CoolRadar is an informed accurate,assistance for food and drink places in Greece
Imagine a fast pleasant search for food and drink place in Greece, that saves you time and needless steps.
What if a digital city advisor offered you cool places to consider based on a small amount of information you provided? CoolRadar is about recommending interesting spots at your fingertips based on your situational context. It is easy to know where you are located, what you want and who you are with.
Are you somewhere in Greece looking for the perfect spot to go for food or drink? Perhaps you’re looking for Margaritas at the hottest new entry bar? A club to dance with gorgeous women? Dinner at a secret place with your ex? Or just the closest pub for you to find cold beer. Select what you really want to do and CoolRadar will serve you with a list of the nearest spots that satisfy your intentions best, along with venue details and GPS directions.