The Consumerized Digital Workplace with moment-of-need Search and Discovery
Cordiant is a Full-Stack Digital Workplace.
The Cordiant Full-Stack #DigitalWorkplace tightly integrates the functionality of multiple stand-alone systems into a single enterprise stack. Cordiant Full-Stack #DigitalWorkplace has been designed from the ground up for moment-of-need search and discovery, has a consumer-style interface and is instantly accessible, anywhere, anytime, on any device.
Instead of sending emails, people send messages and initiate conversations with peers and co-workers through the Cordiant Workspace. This way, all internal communication becomes corporate assets for good without getting trapped in email inboxes. Cordiant conversations once initiated remain open until closed, enhancing decision-making and eliminating information-loss typical of email.
The Cordiant WerkOmeter℠ Dashboard enables each person to focus on those specific workspace messages, conversations, tasks, events, meetings and learning assignments that require attention. No more need to wade through hundreds of emails every day or to sign-in to multiple systems, to get work done.
A powerful search combined with Contextual Information Discovery wired across the platform helps find the right information and resources at the moment of need. Retrieving that Customer Proposal prepared by Joe, who left for your competition 6 months back, does not require you to search your email inbox anymore.
A versatile Task Manager is embedded in the Cordiant Workspace for assigning, tracking and monitoring tasks. Tasks can be contextually initiated out of a conversation, an event, a meeting or any other update on the Cordiant Workspace.
With Cordiant, People can constantly advertise their Performance milestones and progress through a unique, structured interface. Peers and co-workers are thus updated almost real-time on the projects and tasks they are working on.
Since information flows seamlessly within the organization, there are fewer internal meetings and fewer status reports to be sent. When meetings do happen, they are managed and tracked for outcomes through the Event Manager in the Workspace.
To fetch the latest copy of a file or a creative, people search in the Asset Library. The Cordiant Digital Asset Library enables storage and retrieval of enterprise digital assets in one central repository in the Cloud instead of being stored in individual hard disks and folders and without the complexity and costs associated with some of the current market offerings.
Enterprise-relevant content that is stumbled upon in the normal course of work, instead of being emailed to a few co-workers, is posted directly from the browser into the Cordiant Community Content. Crowd-sourcing of enterprise-relevant content by potentially every employee in the organization results in building a powerful enterprise knowledge-base in the Cloud, over time.
An xAPI-driven Corporate University that delivers learning that fits in with the Social Age. Instead of knowledge and experiences being locked away in a stand-alone LMS, it is available to everyone, anyplace, anytime, at the moment of need, while at the same time, meeting both formal and compliance learning requirements.