关于CouldBeUs - Chat & Connect
CouldBeUs helps you find better connections by leveraging a social feedback mechanism to fine tune your preferences.
We are a brand new type of dating app whose primary focus is to replicate real life experiences and provide more transparency across our members.
CouldBeUs shines by:
- Letting you know who liked you, without having to pay a premium
- Allowing you to swipe across users without having to commit to either a like or unlike, since we all know that we may not want to always make a decision right then
- Allowing you to take back a like you have given, just in case you change your mind
- Send an introduction with your like to give the other person a chance to learn more about you
- Schedule dates through the app via a google places integration
- Provide & receive feedback from people you’ve been on dates
- Allowing you to see how compatible you are geographically via approximate neighborhoods you hang out in.