关于Cover: Drummer eCovers
Drummer eCovers is application who is need to see all proffesional drummer in the world.
Have a penchant for playing the drums and likes to practice playing the drums?
Applications Drummer ecovers collect drummers proffesional and trained to you see and you will learn.
Applications that will always update the drummer proffesional so that you will be like those who are already trained.
With display and design were very nice and very easy to use, makes you feel comfortable to use this application.
you can also save favorite video to play later with selected tab favorite and use favorite with click love button on the player
* Buffer quickly because using Youtube player.
* Quickly access and simple with material design.
* Support 3G and Wifi networks.
* Favorite feature to facilitate the search for videos in love
* With feature request you'll see you favorite video every day on this application.
* Always update automatic if any new videos.
Desclaimer :
* Drummer eCovers - All video in this application 100% source from Youtube.
* Drummer eCovers - Each category is taken directly from the owner Youtube.
* Drummer eCovers - All images are in each display video, taken directly from YouTube.