A simple, scalable, digital solution for users to complete a questionnaire and securely submit it to their employer, allowing the employer to determine if the employee is eligible to return to the office or other worksite location.
Each COVOPERATE customer can uniquely configure the types of questions and data they would like to collect from their users and all user supplied data is encrypted using AES encryption. Users are notified of their employers’ decision though a digital boarding pass which is returned to the user’s mobile app.
• Commercially available to any business or industry
• Facilitates standardization of return to work management
• Efficient, rapid deployment across all corporate locations
• Cost effective solution for current and future employee return to work strategies
• This application is not medical software. It is not intended to assess or certify an individual’s current health status.
Terms of Service
To view our terms of service, please go to: https://www.field2base.com/terms-of-service/