Cowbell is a free, shake to ring sporting event alpine cow bell. Use Cowbell to support your favourite runners or cyclists.
Cowbell 1.6+ now lets you use your own photos as a background instead of the cartoon cow, so you can use your team or club logo if you like. Go to settings to do this.
Encourage Nathalie Mauclair or Xavier Thévenard through the night, running by flashlight on the Ultra Trail du Mont-Blanc in Chamonix or just give it "More Cowbell" for Christopher Walken cos you gotta fever. Shake the Cowbell.
This is not a drum kit musical cowbell, but a real alpine cowbell emulator. Give the finishers more cowbell support from the crowd with this alpine cow bell app.
Cowbell plays multiple real alpine cowbell sounds. There is no need to tap your screen to make the cowbell sound so you can use one hand. Just shake gently to clank or shake harder to make the cowbell clamour loudly to offer support and encouragement from the crowd. Cowbell can be calibrated for the clank and clamour levels of volume.
This cowbell is a lot less weight than a heavy metal cowbell if you are travelling to support an ultra marathon trail run from abroad. The inspiration for Cowbell was taken from watching the finishers at the UTMB, PTL and CCC in Chamonix, France.
You can also use cowbell to signal riders in Enduro!
When you first run Cowbell it will want to know which way is up, so just follow the instructions on the screen that comes up.
Cowbell is free to use. A licence can be bought cheaply as an in-app purchase to remove the adverts
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