关于Craft Plastic Flowers Ideas
Idea of plastic flower crafts
Some plastic flower crafts can be found here
Plastic flowers or artificial flowers are imitations of the original flower plants, used for office, shop, hotel or residential decoration. Ordinary people in Indonesia are more familiar with the term plastic flowers to call artificial flowers (artificial). Though fake flowers are not the most of plastic material. In the history of materials used to make artificial flowers such as linen, gold and silver, paper, cocoons, feathers, shells, soap, clay, glass and candles.
Polyester Flower
Polyester is the main ingredient for making artificial flowers since the 1970s. Most artificial flowers on the market today are made of polyester fabric. The main producer of artificial flowers today is China which has hundreds of artificial flower plants in Guangdong area built in the early 1980s. Thousands of polyester flower containers and other plastic plants are exported to almost every country every year.
The process of making plastic flowers from polyester is as follows. Flowers-lily-casablanca-artificial
The first step is to place a polyester cloth in gelatin to make it harden.
Second, cutting polyester fabric and other materials into leaf shape, petals, etc.
Next is to assemble the petals and other parts of the flower, which are built from the middle to the outside
Finally, put flowers and leaves on the wire rod wrapped with the appropriate colored material
Flower Nylon
The art of making nylon flowers is quite easy by using simple tools and inexpensive materials can achieve amazing results. The basic materials needed to make nylon flower include wire, wire rod, nylon stocking, nylon thread, white glue, acrylic paint and brush. Nylon flower making is popular in USA and Japan in 70s. In recent years, the popularity of nylon craft has spread to Asia, Europe and Australia. With the advent of new materials and colors, the art of making nylon flowers will continue to grow.
Silk Flower
Flowers-plastics-orchids -months Silk Flowers are made from silk that makes flowers and all parts of the plant look more alive like the original flowers. Now this silk flower has been using a special technique that gives the plant looks quite realistic. Silk Flower is very popular in the United States because it has excess resistance to fire.