Crocodiles in the World!
关于Crocodiles in the World!
Take a nice picture of the crocodile in front of you and help us to preserve them! Be a citizen-scientist and share your knowledge with the world!
This app is created as part of the Crocs Geo-Visor Initiative focused on integrate the community of the world in the collection of crocodiles' geo-spatial data under a historical context as an effort to share, easily, crucial data in conservation and management process. This platform allows to researchers, decision makers, and croc lovers share spatial information honoring the authorship. This app is access-free, no-cost derive from use, visualize, or handle information.
To know more about this initiative please visit http://www.faculty.biol.ttu.edu/densmore/CrocsGeoVisorInitiative.html
This app was created using the appstudio for ArcGIS from ESRI.