The D-News app brings you news from the Dinosoftlabs and keep you up-to-date
Key features:
Top Stories brings you the latest, breaking news from our trusted global network of journalists.
My News is a feature allowing you to personalise your news offering.
Add topics wherever you see the + icon for a quick route straight to the stories you care about.
Stories from topics you add will appear in your personalised My News feed. Here you can order stories by topic or time, and use the Manage Topics screen to stay on top of the news of the day.
Find content fast
The app can suggest topics based on your location, stories you’ve recently viewed and what’s in the news now.
And you can quickly find content and topics that interest you using the Search. Choose from the familiar list of D-News indexes such as Politics, Business, Entertainment and Health or search for your own subjects of interest whether they’re people, places, things or themes
More of the news you care about
We now offer a fuller selection of stories from the newsroom, including:
- Popular. Keep on top of popular stories and videos from across the D-News, regularly updated throughout the day.