关于Daily Child Prayer Mp3
Applications that contain daily child prayer
A collection of Muslim children's prayers are often used to learn to pray daily such as:
Rain Prayers Down = Doa Hujan Turun
Prayers Wake Up = Doa Bangun Tidur
Prayer Reflecting = Doa Bercermin
Prayer Out Mosque = Doa Keluar Masjid
Prayer Outside the House = Doa Keluar Rumah
WC Exit Prayer = Doa Keluar Wc
Prayer When Sneezing = Doa Ketika Bersin
Prayer to Bathe = Doa Mau Mandi
Mosque Entrance Prayer = Doa Masuk Masjid
House Entry Prayer = Doa Masuk Rumah
Prayer Entrance WC = Doa Masuk WC
Praying Removing clothes = Doa Melepas pakaian
Prayer Wearing Clothes = Doa Memakai Pakaian
Prayer Hearing people sneeze = Doa Mendengar orang bersin
Vehicle Prayer = Doa Naik Kendaraan
Prayer Before Eating = Doa Sebelum Makan
Prayer Before Learning = Doa Sebelum Belajar
Prayer Before Sleep = Doa Sebelum Tidur
Prayer of the Everlasting World = Doa Selamat Dunia Akhirat
Prayer After Learning = Doa Sesudah Belajar
Prayer After Eating = Doa Sesudah Makan
Prayer Hopefully Facilitated = Doa Semoga Dimudahkan
Prayer For Parents = Doa Untuk Orang Tua
The Benefits of Praying
Prayer is an important part of any human effort. To offer prayer also means that man acknowledges that all his wishes and desires will not be accomplished except with the consent of God. Broadly speaking, prayer can be called as a request and praise to God performed by human beings as His servants. Praying can prevent a person from pride and a sense of arrogance. Children who used to pray since childhood will also grow as a soleh child who can pray for his parents. Other benefits of praying are:
To perform the worship and to show the form of faithfulness to the Lord.
Praying can prevent disaster.
Thrust one's faith.
Closer to God.
Prayer can be a bulwark for deeds or ill will
Releasing undercurrent emotion
Reduce the feeling of mental and physical stress.
Helping to control yourself.
Keep away from all stress-related illnesses.
Make people a better person
Make people happy
Make things easy
Avoid God's wrath and forgetfulness of worship
Get a way out for troubleshooting
Live a life more optimistic with the belief that prayer will be granted
Keep away from bad actions.
Calming an anxious heart
Establish a relationship with God Almighty
the following applications are also referred to in the category:
- a collection of prayers
- daily prayer
- learn to pray
- prayers for children
- a prayer for a Muslim child
- the parent's prayer
- short prayer
- learning with the child
- teach children to pray
- Do not forget to pray
- Memorize prayer
- how to educate Muslim children
- how to learn with the child
- school lesson
- Muslim children
- the daily life of Muslim children
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