关于De Havilland Primary School
De Havilland is situated on the southern edge of Hatfield in close proximity to Hatfield Park and the Hatfield Campus of the University of Hertfordshire. We are a 2-form entry school with a Nursery, with approximately 440 pupils on roll, and a ‘bulge class’ in Year 1, meaning we have 90 children in 3 classes within the year group. We also have a Children’s Centre and private pre-school on site. The school building itself contains well proportioned, self-contained classrooms all equipped with interactive whiteboards and a good level of learning resources. The school has a Pastoral Support Base; a purpose built children’s kitchen, 2 halls, library and double-decker bus reading room, and mobile I.T. facilities, including iPads. The school is set in generous grounds. Ongoing developments are improving its use to support learning, social and physical development and sporting achievement. Current highlights include our self-contained Foundation Stage outdoor play area, new adventure outdoor play equipment installations, a wildlife environmental area, a dedicated woodland area and a sport arena.
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