关于Default Dark Theme for Substratum
IMPORTANT: You need the Substratum app working on your device! Read the inbuilt information before reporting any issues!
Theme for Substratum, originally based on the default AOSP dark material colors; then extended to provide more variants to allow configuration according to the users taste.
Available accent colors (separately selectable for settings and system):
Default teal; amber, blue, blue light, cyan, green (3 variants), lime, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow.
(If you want another one, contact me with the color code)
Available background colors:
Dark, darker, black.
Available notification colors:
Light, dark, black.
Semi-transparent variants also available for dark and black.
Available quicksettings + volume slider colors:
Dark, darker, black; each either solid or transparent.
Themed parts:
- Framework
- SystemUI
- Settings
- PackageInstaller
- DocumentsUI
- CM Settings
- AICP Extras
- AOSP Calculator
- AOSP Contacts
- AOSP Dialer
- AOSP Email
- AOSP Messenger
- Substratum
- Rview
Source code: https://github.com/SpiritCroc/DefaultDarkTheme-oms