关于DGT Board Test
用于测试与DGT Board的Android连接的程序
The program testing serial-port DGT Board connection with Android device using Serial Adapter. Tested with StarTech Serial Adapter Cable ICUSBANDR232 on Samsung Alpha (Android V5.0.2, API 21) and Samsung S9 (Android V8.0.0, API 26, with additional USB B/C adapter).
1. launch the program
2. attach dgt board + serial adapter
3. on permission request click 'Allow'
Running DgtBoardTest:
Watch for notifications. Once you get the message 'Accessory attached', you can go on.
1. Click on Start. If everything is ok, 'Select command' list becomes enabled.
2. Select 'Get Trademark'. Click on Send button. You are supposed to see the board response in hexadecimal and text form.
3. Click on Clear button to clear display fields.
Connection/initialization takes some time, so be patient.
Dgt Board has a habit of missing/ignoring commands. It helps to send a command several times.
Though StarTech Serial Adapter Cable is rather expensive, it uses a separate power source that not only feeds the adapter, but the phone as well, so there are no time limitations to the phone usage.
If you find another compatible adapter or have some questions/comments/information please contact me at [email protected].