提供ADA专业会员与ADA DiabetesPro会员论坛的联系
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) DiabetesPro Member Forum App provides ADA professional members mobile connection to the ADA DiabetesPro Member Forum. This platform features discussion forums, resource libraries, and event calendars for each of ADA’s Professional Member Interest Groups and ADA’s Women’s Interprofessional Network (WIN ADA) so members can communicate and share information regularly with colleagues in their specialties across the United States and around the globe. This community is exclusively available for ADA members. Join almost 20,000 diabetes professionals in helping the American Diabetes Association on the road to a cure for diabetes. ADA Professional Membership provides access to premier education, career development, and engagement resources that benefit you and your career. If you are interested in becoming a member of the ADA, please visit: http://professional.diabetes.org/membership.