DIP Grid
关于DIP Grid
您可以随时随地在自己的各种设备上畅享数百万最新的 Android 应用、游戏、音乐、电影、电视节目、图书、杂志等精彩内容。
This simple app displays a grid, measured in android's dip's (density-independent pixels). Aimed for developers and graphic designers as a helpful tool for creating user interfaces in android apps.
More info about android's metrics can be found in official docs: http://developer.android.com/design/style/metrics-grids.html
By using this app it is easy to understand how different android devices choose graphic assets from one of the predefined pixel density buckets: ldpi, mdpi, tvdpi, hdpi, xhdpi & xxhdpi
Dividing device's pixel screen size by size in dip results in a multiplier that matches one of the density baskets.
some examples (by screen width):
Samsung Galaxy S4: 1080/360 = 3 (xxhdpi)
Samsung Galaxy Nexus: 720/360 = 2 (xhdpi)
2012 Asus Nexus7: 800/600 = 1.33 (tvdpi)
Samsung Galaxy Tab2: 800/800 = 1 (mdpi)
Samsung Galaxy Ace: 320/320 = 1 (mdpi)
DIP Grid历史版本
DIP Grid 1.0.1