关于DOC Home Health
Get health care services at home in Delhi NCR
Get highly reliable home health care services like Doctor visit , elderly care, trained
attendant, nursing, physiotherapist & Equipment’s in Delhi, Faridabad,
Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, and Noida.
Doc health care provides background verified, trained, and experienced Doctors,Attendants, Nurses, Physiotherapists & Equipments at your doorstep.
Our Services
Doctor visit - Get doctor visit at your home by experienced doctors and done short procedure like change tracheostomy tube and wound debridement at your home.
Elderly Care/Attendant/Ward Boy - Assistance to elders. Helping them with routine
activities, feeding, and overall care.
Nursing - Get assistance from our qualified and skilled nurses who help patients recover
faster. Nurses assist patients with monitoring vital signs, dressing wounds, intravenous
medication, IV fluid management, Nebulization and Ryles Tube Insertion, and Feeding.
Physiotherapy - Get help from qualified physiotherapists who help manage the pain
from chronic conditions, sports injury, post-surgery rehab, paralysis, Parkinson's, and
pulmonary diseases.
Rehab - Patients needing a quick rehabilitation post-surgery or people suffering from
chronic conditions such as Paralysis, Dementia, Alzheimer's, or life-threatening ones
such as Cancer, Brain stroke, and heart conditions. We assist patients with proper medical care at home.