dogtail brings you useful and handy tips for locations around the globe. Tips on any topic (travel, deals, sights, food, drink, dos, don'ts, etc.,), posted by people like yourself.
dogtail is free, incredibly simple to use and completely anonymous! In other words, anyone can post tips and read tips without having to login or provide any kind of identification.
The name dogtail comes from an ancient pole star (Cynosura) that guided seafaring people by identifying North. This app is intended to guide people and hence, the name.
More details (contact info, privacy, etc.,) on https://dogtail.io
Last updated on 2020年06月20日
Show tips from neighboring locations.
dogtail 2.008
26.1 MB2020年06月20日
dogtail 1.415
9.0 MB2019年03月06日