关于Dr Vaishali's Ayurveda
Dr. Vaishali.......
She is a naturoglobal personality trying to keep human society strong and healthy by help of nature and with the proper coordination of panchamahabhuta's, i.e. Ayurveda and Counseling working from last 23 years.
Ayurvedic expert Dr. Vaishali has covered & cleared many cronic deaseses by ayurveda by the means of which thousands of people get rid of gangsine (cellulities), paralysis, infertility scitiea, sleepdisc, joint pain. Skin obesity that proved has as ayurvedic expertnessby curing thousands of youth women and senior citizen at Nagpur, Mumbai and Gadhchiroli too.
Best Counsellor - (Family - Organisation - Industrial)
as a master of science in family counselling therapy, Dr. Vaishali covered many of disturbed dis-integrated familys, Husband wife, Organisations. To get happy together by making proper counseling ayurveda. She covered thousands of family members from disslocation of family & organisation, now they are grouping individuals, their familiar natural life with smile and strength. All over Maharashtra, Many of the people got benefits by counselling with ayurveda.