- Fixed bugs
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- Fixed bugs
1. Adventure Story
● Added an Adventure Story for Edge. Players who reach Lvl. 20 can see it during his Breeding Season.
2. Balance Change
● Dark Crystal (Mauve)
All enemies get hit with Earth DMG equal to 94/101/109/116/124/132% of the caster's ATK and 48/50/53/55/57/60% of the Shield they're currently wearing…
-> All enemies get hit with Earth DMG equal to 125/127/129/131/133/135% of the caster's ATK and 50/55/60/65/70/75% of the Shield they're currently wearing…
3. Other Improvements
1.New Dragons
-Silverwing, Legendary, Metal/Light, can be obtained from events.
2.New Year Event
3.Other Improvements
-You’ll get back some Magic Stones after you dismantle a refined Artifact.
-Adjusted the difficulty and rewards of the World Boss.
1. New Dragons
● Grey Tooth, Legendary, Metal/Dark, can be obtained from events.
● Mangorine, Epic, Nature/Psychic, can be obtained from Monthly Sign-In event. (Credit: nutty stargon)
2. New Skin
● Added a mermaid skin for Glaucus. You can obtain it from Christmas Event.
3. World Boss
4. Alliance Warfare Improvements
5. Balance Changes
1. New Dragons
● Ward, Legendary, Void, can be obtained from the time-limited Summon event.
● Sirius, Legendary, Psychic/Dark, can be obtained from events.
2. New Skins
● Added a Halloween-themed Skin for Themis and Nix. You can obtain it by purchasing the December Legendary Pass.
3. Balance Changes
1. New Skin
● Added a crystal-themed Skin for Vine. You can obtain it by purchasing the Premium Pass.
2. Magic Fountain
● Added rewards for promoting a Legendary Dragon to 6-10 Stars.
3. Other Improvements
● Added a filter by artifacts in “Dragons”.
● Increased the reward for finishing the quest about spending Gems
● You can see how long it will take to build a habitat before purchasing it.
● Added a switch feature to Ruins. Now you can tap the arrow button to switch between Ruins.
1. New Dragons
● Mayfly, Legendary, Psychic/Dark, can be obtained from events.
● Night Storm, Legendary, Electric/Light, can be obtained from events.
2. New Skins
- Added an ocean-themed Skin for Aegis. You can obtain it by purchasing the Premium Pass.
- Added an ocean-themed Skin for Dowser. You can obtain it from an event.
3. New Artifact
4. Practice Yard
5. Balance Adjustments
1. New Dragons
- Mauve, Legendary, Dark/Earth, can be obtained from Events.
- Ming She, Legendary, Light/Electric, can be obtained from Events.
2. New Skins
- Added a shadow-themed Skin for Thunder Wolf.
- Added a shadow-themed Skin for Phoenix.
3. New Dragonbrands
4. Element-Specific Artifacts
5. Suggested Lineups
6. Balance Changes
7. Other Adjustments
8. Bug Fixes
1. New Dragons
- Drych, Legendary, Light/Metal, can be obtained from Events
- Barley, Legendary, Dark/Nature, can be obtained from Events
2. New Skins
- Added a mecha skin for Ash
- Added a mecha skin for Sakura
3. Ultimate Arena
4. Elemental Resonance
5. Balance Adjustment
6. Alliance Warfare
7. Other Optimizations
8. New Awakenable Dragons
9. Bug Fixes
1. New Dragons
- Sky Fire, Legendary, Dark/Fire, can be obtained from Events.
- Electrelk, Legendary, Light/Electric, can be obtained from Events.
2. New Skins
- Added a golden-themed skin for Neptune.
- Added a golden-themed skin for Reaper.
3. New Artifacts
4. Advanced Arena
5. Rainbow Element Tower
6. Alliance Warfare
7. Balance Adjustment
8. Other Improvements
9. Bug Fixes
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