关于Draw Together
Collaborative and real-time drawing apps using:-
1. Internet
2. Bluetooth
Use kllaebo application to draw together with collaborative drawing or sketching features with other users in the network. With kllaebo, you can work together on your drawing board with other users over the Internet or Bluetooth. Anything that you draw on your drawing pad will automatically appear on other users' device on real-time basis.
kllaebo will allow users who are separated by geography to share the same drawing pad whether for work, education or fun. If you are in Asia, anything that you draw or sketch on your device will automatically appear on your friend's device in America or Europe.
A) Collaborative drawing using Internet
Step 1: Sign in with Google
Step 2: Invite other users to join your drawing session
Step 3: The other users will need to accept the invitation to start working together on the drawing pad. Once you are connected, you can start the drawing session.
Step 4: Once finished, you can choose to save and share the drawing using other apps such as Facebook, email, whatsapp, cloud storage or others
B) Collaborative drawing using Bluetooth
Step 1: Scan for other nearby devices using secure or insecure connection
Step 2: The other user must make his device discover for a few seconds
Step 3: Once both devices are connected, both parties can start drawing together on the drawing pad
Step 4: Save and Share the drawing using other apps such as Facebook, email, cloud storage or others
Enjoy it.