1. Enhanced the stability of DS router.
2. Fixed the issue where DS router might not save passwords containing special characters.
3. Minor bug fixes.
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 DS router 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 DS router 所有旧版本。下载 DS router 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
1. Enhanced the stability of DS router.
2. Fixed the issue where DS router might not save passwords containing special characters.
3. Minor bug fixes.
1. Fixed the issue where the Share Wi-Fi Network page could not be displayed when connected to a Synology Router with SRM 1.2.
2. Fixed the issue where WPA2/WPA3-Personal could not be selected as the security level for a Wi-Fi network.
3. Fixed the issue where DS router connected to Synology Router with SRM 1.2.5 might crash when accessing the Safe Access tab.
What's New
1. Supports sending notifications when a device connects for the first time to a Wi-Fi network (applicable for SRM 1.3.1 and above).
2. Added new activity cards.
3. Supports adding devices to the system block list from the device list.
4. Supports managing traffic of specific devices directly from the traffic monitor page.
Fixed Issues
1. Fixed the display inconsistency between DS router and SRM regarding IPTV profiles.
2. Enhanced the stability of DS router.
3. Minor bug fixes.
Minor bug fixes.
1. Redesigned the Overview, Device, and Settings tabs and updated the overall structure of the app.
2. Supports editing Internet connection.
3. Supports enabling and disabling Synology Router's VPN client connections.
4. Supports recommending actions for users to take through activity cards.
5. Supports creating and deleting Wi-Fi names (SSIDs).
6. Supports relevant SRM 1.3 functions.
7. Minor bug fixes.
8. Adjusted minimum system requirements: Android 8.0 or above.
•Added support for adding Wi-Fi points to a mesh Wi-Fi system via Ethernet cables during the first-time deployment
•Unified the behaviors of soft reset on RT1900ac, RT2600ac, and MR2200ac: the username of administrator's account can be customized during the reset
•Allowed a mesh Wi-Fi system to have Wi-Fi points running different SRM's Update versions (with the same four-digit build number) so as to enhance update experience.
•Re-login is required after SRM is updated to 1.2.4.
•Minor bug fixes
•Removed a traffic control setting that might lead to accidental blocking of Wi-Fi points' network connections.
•Updated Synology's terms and conditions.
•Fixed the issue where the application might quit unexpectedly after the setup of mesh Wi-Fi system.
•Minor bug fixes.
•新增支援於 DS router 的 Safe Access 頁面管理針對已封鎖網站提出的解鎖申請功能。
•修正以 DS router 完成 RT1900ac 初次安裝後,訪客網路可能無法正常運作的問題。
•修正新增或編輯自訂網站過濾器時,無法使用帶有 "http://" 和 "https://" 的網域名稱的問題。
•Added support for the IPv6 DS-Lite options during the first-time installation.
•Added support for the v6plus connection in Japan.
•Fixed an issue where DS router might fail to find routers that have not completed the first-time installation through a Wi-Fi connection.
•Fixed an issue where the application might quit unexpectedly.
•Fixed an issue where the system might not function properly when they use a particular account for the first-time installation.
• Upgraded push notification service from GCM to FCM
• Enhanced push notification service
• Supports advanced port forwarding settings
• Supports sharing Wi-Fi via QR code
• Supports Wi-Fi schedule settings
• Supports edit and delete options for Web Filter
• Fixed an issue where the application might quit unexpectedly
• Minor bug fixes
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