关于E - Aural Trainer
用于ABRSM /三位一体听觉测试音乐考试的闪卡听觉训练。
E Aural Trainer written and developed by an independent music professional with decades of experience preparing students for the aural test element of instrumental exams.
Here you will find Audio Flash Cards and dozens of Training videos for preparation towards music exams Grades 1 to 8, suitable for both ABRSM and Trinity College
Topics include
*Clapping rhythms
*Clapping in time, and identifying time signatures
*Singing back phrases
*Recognising changes
*Identifying melodic intervals (up to an octave)
*Identifying musical features (dynamics, articulation, tempo, tonality, style, character and period of music)
*Identifying modulations, chords and cadences
*Sight singing (single line/accompanied/lower and upper part of multi-part phrases)
Note -
This app is NOT published by ABRSM - and has no connection with ABRSM who do not acknowledge, sponsor or endorse our app. Any material used herein is created by a qualified independent music professional and does not in any way represent the ABRSM.