关于Eid Takbeer
没有互联网的 Eid Takbeer 2022 Eid al-Adha 离线可听
The application of the Eid Takbeerat without the Internet 2021 with the most beautiful voices and the entire Prophet’s Mosque
Eid al-takbeerat without audio 2022 MP3 God has decreed the fullness of his mercy and greatness for this nation to be joyful and happy. Eid al-Fitr comes after the completion of the blessed Ramadan fast.
Eid takbeers without internet The Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - set forth a set of Sunnahs that it is desirable to do on the day of Eid, such as washing before going out to pray, wearing beautiful clothes, congratulating Muslims to each other on the occasion of Eid, going to another path, returning by one road and returning another, and from That is the Sunnah of saying takbeer and making it clear among the people, and a person feels the value of the Eid takbeer in his heart; The takbeer of the Egyptian is the takbeer of the name of the Egyptian To perform the obedience that he offered, which includes the Eid takbeers of the three types of remembrance; Of praise, glorification, and rejoicing, just as the phrase “God is Greatest” means: glorifying God - the Exalted - over lack, and glorifying Him over every great thing, and in the Eid takbeers a declaration by the Muslim of his love for God - the Most High - and his feeling of pride and happiness in being close to him, that is that He accompanies his takbeer when he rejoices at the advent of Eid.
The takbeers of Eid without the Internet and made it for them the day of awards, and the door of forgiveness of love and peace, and Eid al-Adha began for them upon the completion of their pilgrimage by realizing that the hands of God would stand on the Day of Arafa, the takbeers of the Day of Sacrifice without the net, and it is generally, in His hand is the reins of the heavens and the earth. ,
All over the world, some believe that the Eid al-Adha takbeer is different from the Eid al-Fitr takbeer, but both are a different formula and there is no difference between them at all. The takbeers of Eid al-Adha without the net and what God has imposed on Muslims in the Holy Qur’an,
God has grace and a great reward. Eid Takbeerat without the Internet in several voices, and what is meant in it is the remembrance of God - the Exalted in His exaltation - to make it, and to revive the greatness of his voice and his pride in the hearts, so nothing will harm him after this, so he accepts obedience to God, the Emirates. It was reported on the authority of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - that it is the most beloved of days to God.
I hope that you like the application and enjoy the Eid Takbeerat without the Internet, and do not forget to pray, as well as evaluate the application, and enlighten us, in your opinion, with the Takbeerat of Eid without the Internet with several voices,