energyⁿ manager, the exclusive energy efficiency magazine is being brought out since January 2008. Published by Energy Press, the publishing wing of the Society of Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM) this 64 page, four color, quarterly magazine has been widely appreciated for its quality in content and style. energyⁿ manager caters to heads of energy intensive industries, energy professionals and many other enthusiasts including certified energy professionals, energy managers, energy auditors and energy management professionals. Each issue of energyⁿ manager focuses on one of the most appropriate topics of contemporary relevance on energy efficiency and energy conservation as its cover feature with a renowned domain expert as the guest editor. Other articles are contributed by experts and leading personalities in the energy sector. Some of the regular columns covered include: • Energy management • Energy audit • Energy financing • Best practices • Case Studies • Renewable energy • Sustainable Living • Global focus • Focus India • Events, and others energyⁿ manager is circulated among a focused audience including the State and Union Ministries of Power, New and Renewable Energy, Industries, etc, Forum of Regulators, State Electricity Boards, Energy Development Agencies, Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Agencies, Energy Development Agencies, Energy Intensive Industries, Energy Service Companies, State Designated Agencies, Industry Associations, Designated Consumers, Energy Consultants, Energy Auditors and Managers, etc, Energy Researchers & Academicians, Engineering & Technical Institutions, Consultants, Planners and Architects, Energy Equipment Manufacturers, Distributors and Marketing Agencies, UN agencies and other International Organizations.