关于English grammar handbook with exercises
The best english grammar handbook app for study and exercises, teach yourself with these clear exercises and examples.
Practise and improve your English grammar with our app english grammar handbook with exercises
This app English grammar handbook with exercises explains English grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used and there are interactive exercises so you can practise what you learn.
Use this quick guide to learn how to use all tenses of a verb properly, including present perfect, past continuous, future perfect continuous, and more.
This list of conjunctions gives you examples of the three types of conjunctions. Learn through examples!
Tenses Quiz : English Grammar
Nouns :
Proper Nouns and Common Nouns
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Compund Nouns
Adjective :
Comparative Adjectives
Superlative Adjectives
Adjective Order
verbs :
Helping Verbs
Main Verbs
Modal verbs
Adverbs :Forms Kinds -Position- Adverbs of Frequency -Definite - Indefinite.
Auxiliary Verbs : Statements and Questions -usage
Prepositions : preposition list -preposition rule
Conjunctions :
Coordinating Conjunctions
Correlative Conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions
Conjunctions List
Question Tags : Rules - Example
Articles : intro
Tense :
Present Tense
Simple present tense
Present continuous
Present perfect tense
Present perfect continuous tense
For continuing situation.....
Phrases :Simple past-Past continuous tense....
Active Or Passive Voice
Type of sentence
Use of Should
Use of Wish
Use of Shall
Used to
Had better
Common English Errors
English tenses test
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