关于English Learning Pro
Improve english vocabulary and speaking skills, improve english listening skills
- Integrate with Google Translate, Oxford dictionary, you can hold the text and then copy it. Google Translate will appear and you can use it. My dictionary is a new feature, you can add the vocabulary and then practice any time.
- Speaking practice with 100 conversations offline
- English Listening Practice
+ 100 English conversation practice offline
+ 610 TOEIC photographs listening exercises
+ 200 TOEIC conversations listening exercises
+ 200 TOEIC short talks listening exercises
+ Basic Listening English with 34 conversations dialog and Quizzes
+ Intermediate Listening English with 34 conversations dialog and Quizzes
+ Advanced Listening English with 34 conversations dialog and Quizzes
- English vocabulary offline
+ 1000 Most Common Phrases full audio offline
+ 1500 Most Common Words full audio offline
+ 3000 Most Common Words full audio offline
+ 3000 Oxford Words full audio offline
+ 7000 Common Sentences with audio online