关于English Phrases In Use
Nice English Phrases in Use application in Google Play!!! It free application and useful for English learners!!!
When you're speaking English, you can find a lot of phrases that seem to mean the same thing, but are a little bit different.
It can be really hard to know which phrase you should use. There are so many different ways to say something, which one should you use in English Conversation?
Let’s learn how to use some ways simple formal and informal English phrases, as well as fun slang expressions that people around the world use in English Conversation.
We can also use such English phrases to sound more natural, and also to express yourself more clearly and precisely.
Download the English Phrases in Use now and start improving your english Speaking today!
"English Phrases in Use" is for basic and advanced learners on Android!
"English Phrases in Use" IS COMPLETELY OPTIMIZED for your android phone.
"English Phrases in Use" is AWESOME for Studying English Phrases.
Choose one of the following topics and start learning English Phrases:
* Addressing People
* Greetings and Expressions
* Saying Hello
* Saying Goodbye
* Saying Apology
* Saying I Love You
* Saying Thank you
* Congratulate someone
* Response to congratulation
* Address
* Writing Letter and Email
* Asking for Help
* Taking about Health Problems
* Making Requests and Offers
* Asking Directions
* Giving Directions
* Giving your opinion
* Giving compliments
* Encouraging someone
* Encouraging children
* Making invitation
* Chrismas Greetings
* Writing in a Christmas Card
* Writing in a New Year Card