关于English to Urdu Dictionary Free
If you want to learn English Free with easy lessons then this is the best source of your problem. We provide you free English to Urdu Dictionary. The Best quality of this application is that it can also be used to teach your children with sentences. Just write the name of then word that you want to translate and click on search. We provide the solution for those mothers who don't know the meaning of tough english words and they want to learn english for kids.
The beauty of English to Urdu Dictionary is that it not only provides meanings of the words that you are looking for but also provides 10 to 15 references as well as related words.
The quality of this application English to Urdu Free dictionary is that it is very easy to use. Only you need to do is to install it. Then all the things are written on the main screen with locating the search bar. It is free of coast and our members update this dictionary on daily basis and if some word is missing then this Dictionary mark that word and save it and later on our team members update that word in dictionary and our aim is to make English easy and simple for both experts and as well as for beginners.
Kids usually face difficulties in using any new stuff so we made this dictionary so simple that kids can use it easily without help of parent and teachers.
Teacher can use this application for their students.
Other Functions:-
> We provide you one word on daily basis which is know as daily dose.
> We provide you lessons of daily life.
> English to Urdu Translation
> Free English to Urdu Translation
> Urdu To English
> Translate Eng to Urdu