关于EnglishPodcast for Learners
Podcast player for English learners.
With a feature to change playback speed faster or slower as you like.
A lot of good educational resources : learn English listening, learn to speak English.
This application contains a feature to change playback speed slower or faster.
With it, you can improve your listening skills.
It's easy to use : Download Podcast , select playback speed , and play.
Some podcast contains transcript.
- Podcast list
- Play, Pause, Stop
- Repeat
- A-B Repeating
- Playback speed changing
- Play Video Podcast
**Playback Speed**
Slower : 20% - 100%
Faster : 133 - 400%
**Included Popular Podcasts list**
These are only a fraction of great podcasts.
[Featured] Category
ESL : English as a Second Language
BBC The English We Speak
VOA Special English
& more
[News] Category
CNN News Update
ABC News
FOX News
& more
[Business] Category
Business English Pod
TED Talks (Audio)
[Video Podcast] Category
VOA Special English TV
Sesame Street Podcast
Reuters: Top News
& more
And more categories.
Best application to improve your listening skills on Android.
**About permissions **
- INTERNET and ACCESS NETWORK STATE are required for downloading contents.;
- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE for save audio to SD card;
- READ PHONE STATE to stop automatically when there's an incoming call.
No personal information is saved, including contacts or phonecalls.
-New Feature: Talk (beta) and Real-time Message Notification
You can send and receive messages from friends.
-Fixed Sesame Street problem
-New Note & Friends Board
-Write Notes/Messages in English and learn each other.
- Please Excuse our long absence!
- VOA back!!
- New Icon
- New PassBand Method for English Listening ( 8000Hz training )
- To err is human, to forgive divine.
Thank you all. Now we can go further.