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The EUPA was set up in the year 2000, as a Unit within the Ministry of Education, Youth and Employment. On the 4th of May 2007, the Unit was established as a legal autonomous Agency. The aim of the EUPA has always been to support Maltese individuals and entities in availing themselves of funding under the various educational programmes provided by the European Commission.
The general objective of the programmes is to contribute towards a holistic development of the community as an advanced knowledge society, with substantial economic development, more and better jobs and greater social cohesion, while ensuring good protection of the environment for future generations. These aspects can be achieved through both Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action Programmes, which give an important contribution to the acquisition of competencies, experiences and knowledge. These programmes are a key instrument in providing a varied range of people coming from different age groups and backgrounds, with opportunities for non-formal and informal learning with a European dimension.