关于EXO - Lyrics
Are you a big fan of EXO? Do you like EXO? do you want to make covers and you need lyrics Well. this app is just for you!!
we add the Last album of EXO winter album 2015
In this application you can find all lyrics of EXO K-pop band .
You can favorite Lyrics easily And display them on favorites list.
you can also Share your favorite lyrics of EXO band with your friends.
in all social networks Like Facebook or Whatsapp or Email .
Good design and easy to access and understand and a healthy colors for You eye .
you can find EXO Lyrics in English and Romanized .
This application only for entertainments purposes.
This application does not make any violate the trademark of any music companies.
Please contact us if any kind of suggestions or comments about this application.
dear User of Chôdos application of EXO Lyrics if you want to see you language in our EXO app please send your lyrics to Chôdo and Chôdo will puts your lyrics in the EXO Lyrics app and as a thanks we'il put your name in the about section of EXO lyrics app Like this " this lyrics was generated by EXO app YourName "
please like our company "Chôdo - apps" in facebook and twitter , and look in our other apps you might like them ;
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