Falguner Fuler Mala
关于Falguner Fuler Mala
在Falgun,我们提供给你“Falguner Fuler麻辣烫”一个令人兴奋的Android游戏。
1. Please visit by your Android phone on www.eatlapps.com and download eatlapps. Then
search "Fhalagunera fuler mala" from the app and download for install the game in your phone.
2. Click on the apps and tap the flower start to start the game. When the game will start, you
need to tap on the light yellow colored flowers to have good flowers for the garland (Flower
necklace). You need to complete the garland (Flower necklace) within 30 second. After successful
making of a garland, share your results and tag. The more u share and tag the more chances to
3. Share this post with your Facebook friends on facebook and your tag must be public.
4. Use the hash tag # EatlAppsfalgulapps and post must be shared. Your post will not be
considered if you do not use the hashtag.
Deadline: We will continue this program till this February. You can play and share the game as
much as you can. The winner name will be announced by this month and EATL will provide the
coupon and you can get your favorite books from Boi Mela.
*design modification
Falguner Fuler Mala APK信息
Falguner Fuler Mala历史版本
Falguner Fuler Mala 1.2