Have you ever purchased a bag of fertilizer and felt confused on the recommended rate? If you answered yes then Fertilize is your answer. Fertilize is a research-based fertilizer calculator from both organic and synthetic sources. Simply select one of our fertilizer types and the rate you want to apply. Fertilize then goes to work telling you exactly how much to use.
If you prefer to use organic fertilizers, then we are here to help. Our recommendations are based on the industry standard, 1 pound of Nitrogen per 1000/sq. ft. Fertilizers include blood meal, poultry litter, bone meal.
Based on the recommended practice of 1 pound of Nitrogen per 1000/sq. ft., synthetic sourced fertilizers are selected from the popular rates available to the homeowner. Popular fertilizers include 24-0-4, 28-0-10, 30-0-3, 35-0-5.
***SOIL TEST****
If you have recently preformed a soil test then Fertilize is here to help with that as well. Following our simple instructions, users can use their soil test results to easy calculate and understand the rate to apply.
Fertilize is designed by Extension Specialists and built based on user experiences. If you get confused, simply contact us from the menu panel and we can guide you through the process. When your lawn needs nutrition, Fertilize is ready to help feed it.