关于FF Booster
- clearing unnecessary files to free up space on your device
- free RAM
- reduce energy consumption
⚡FF Booster helps free your storage space by cleaning junk files, residuals, and cache, you can clean cache data from social apps safely.
It helps to clean System Cache, App Cache, AD Junk, Memory Junk, and Residual Files, which are often left by uninstalled apps to free up Android phone space.
Junk Cleaner helps to analyze all the junk files and then automatically identify those useless residual junk files to release more storage of mobile phones.
🚀Mobile Booster
Just One Tap, the booster helps to speed up the phone by freeing up RAM. The use of memory makes your phone slow. Free Cleaner can make the phone smoother and faster. Free Cleaner works smartly and accelerates your device.
Stop background apps to release memory, and optimize your phone.
2: Provide a friendlier experience