关于Filí na Gaeilge
Más suim leat filíocht na Gaeilge seo an aip dhuitse! Éist leis na filí féin ag léamh agus ag léiriú a gcuid dánta!
Bainigí sult as amhránaíocht Mhairéad Ní Mhaonaigh, John Spillane, Eoin Coughlan agus Ailie Blunnie agus más dalta Ard-Teistiméireachta thú beidh spéis ar leith agat san aip seo. Sea! seo chugaibh filíocht bhinn, bhlasta na nGael!
This app is must for all lovers of Irish language poetry. Listen to the living poets reading and elucidating their work. Enjoy the musical interpretations of Máiréad Ní Mhaonaigh, John Spillane, Eoin Coughlan and Ailie Blunnie. Reconnect with the older poems and listen to Irish scholars as they recreate the social and political background. And if you are a Leaving Certificate student you will find contained within this collection the poems on your course.