关于FindMeNow | Address sharing
FindMeNow is an free service where you can share your address to friends and businesses with just your phone number
Sign in with just your phone number.
Your phone number is your identity, use this to let businesses find you.
- Store all your favourite address with us.
- Add an address by filling up or form or let us find you by geolocation.
- Save directions by adding a landmark within a 3km radius, we then give the best route to the end destination.
- Share any address with your contacts.
- Get turn by turn directions to any address shared with you.
Get an Uber ride directly from the FindMeNow app.
Last updated on 2017年10月17日
Fixed issues with geocoding location.
FindMeNow | Address sharing历史版本
FindMeNow | Address sharing 2.1
18.2 MB2017年10月17日
FindMeNow | Address sharing 0.5.1
25.0 MB2016年05月23日