关于Findy - Image Finder
您可以通过对图像的各种搜索引擎容易搜索。 :D
- App Feature
1. Multi-Site Image Search (Google, Flickr, Daum, Picasa, 500px)
2. Easy Drag Image View
3. Easy Zoom, Zoom out
3. Easy Image Download
4. Easy Set Wallpaper
5. Easy Share
Option key click Ad show/hide
TAG : Find Image, search image, image search, Image Finder, images, image google, background image, photo, Findy, wallpaper, pic finder, pic search, k-pop star photo
tap on the screen to show additional information or invisible.
google play service version up
- 1.2.9
improve image load
- 1.2.8
change SSL for flickr
- 1.2.7
fix specific device bug
- 1.2.6
fix specific device bug
- 1.2.5
fix specific device bug
- 1.2.4
fix specific device bug
- 1.2.3
fix specific device bug
Function Improvements
- 1.2.2
fix specific device bug
change download function
change download path
- 1.2.1
Function Improvements
- 1.2.0
Improve the overall performance