关于First Need Global Service
Welcome To First Need
In the journey from primitive man to man, creative man gave an innovative momentum to his life by creating various things according to his needs. As a result, many things were created by human beings, which made human life more comfortable without the help of others, in less labor and in less time. In such a man-made fast paced life you need many services like Carpenter, Electrician, Gas Mechanic, AC Mechanic, Plumber, Auto Rickshaw, Car Mechanic, Welder, Veterinary Doctor, Chef, Florist, Decorator, Painter , Photographer, VDO grapher, Public transport, Wedding Planner etc. Then at such times it becomes difficult to communicate with these people. This can be a waste of time, so in order to maintain the pace of human life, to save his time, we have come up with Firstneed, a mobile application that allows the user to contact the person providing the service they need in a matter of moments. Firstneed has made it possible to deliver. Firstneed has opened a grand gallery for many businesses. It has also facilitated professionals to advertise their businesses. Our goal is to get the right customer for the service provider ...!