关于Floating Calculator With Voice Calc
Floating Calcu#(:Main Features:)#
#Runs in a windowed environment and floats above other applications(:<<
#Floating window can be moved around the screen(:<<
#Floating window can be re-sized.(:<<
#Font size can be changed.(:<<
#Calculator window can be minimized into the notification area.(:<<
#Small footprint.(:<<
#Copy input/output to clipboard.(:<<
#Close app directly from notification area.(:<<
#Calculator window can be made transparent.(:<<
#Simple and familiar interface of desktop calculator(:<<
#Memory functions (MS, MR, MC, M+, M-)(:<<
#Mathematical functions (square root, 1 over x, round down, p)(:<<
#History of calculations with up to 5 items, ability to hold and restore items(:<<
#Standard and Scientific mode. (Swipe left/right to switch views)(:<<
#Calculate complete expressions. For e.g.: 3+5*6+(123-46)/4+sin(90)*log(100)(:<<lator is one of the app for instant calculation.