关于Flyfishing Magazine
Whether it's fishing for freshwater or saltwater species, the magazine -- now in its 27th year of publication -- has something for everyone. It’s the “who – what – where – when – how” of flyfishing in Africa. Our content covers all aspects of the sport, including tackle selection (rods, reels, lines, flies, clothing, footwear, storage, ancillary equipment), what's new on the tackle front, tips, venues, innovations in equipment and tackle, the latest trends, flyfishing boats and boating, flyfishing venues and lodge reviews, fly-tying, and so on, covering all aspects of the sport.
Highly regarded in official circles, including the Federation of South African Flyfishers (FOSAF) which uses this magazine as its mouthpiece, the South African Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism, the South African Biodiversity Institute, Cape Nature and KZN Wildlife, as well as other nature conservation bodies, both governmental and NGOs. Flyfishing carries a varied mix of advertising from across the market spectrum, and has proved itself in the marketplace during its 27 years on the shelves. Published bi-monthly (six times a year) is available on subscription as well as nationwide throughout South Africa from retail bookstores.
PUBLISHERS: Angler Publications Tandjo Centre, 4 Joseph Ave, Glen Anil 4051 • PO Box 20545, Durban North 4016 • Tel: (031) 572-2280/572-2289 Fax: (031) 572-7891 E-mail: [email protected]; Web: www.africanangler.com.