关于Flying Batman
Flying Batman fantastic game to fly and try not to crash or fall to the ground!
If you access to any web store of games, you may find thousands of games that designed with the same features and requirements ,that is to say that you need to look for a game that tease you to continue playing it without bored yourself.
Flying Batman a free entertaining game that woks for all android devices The story is about the legendry hero"batman"who fly against gravity with unconditioned commitment to save the humanity from the domination of gravity.
The exciting side of the game is that it raises your adrenaline to the edge that make you eager to replay it.
Gravity batman is an extraordinary and exceptional free game to the lovers of adventure and challenge .
But here in our story this Batman creature is half bat and half the other person must Aviation and try not to fall and crash flattened the mountains or become so after he was kidnapped by the bad guys and transformed it into a space creature.
This game is quiet simple and enjoyable, the fictional superhero is doing a flip whenever you touch the screen with an infinite run and jump to the walls above him. He can also do jump flip with the same screen touch ,it contains the icon of activate and deactivate the sound. the challenge shows the more you proceed the more it becomes harder .
Everything is appropriate for you to play this game of batman in addition to the gravity, knowing that gravity batman would not be amusing without a splendid graphics and features which are fortunately provided. I recommend everyone to play this game of batman.