关于Football Speak
玩 Bluffball 游戏并使用足球语言。
This handy app generates phrases that you can use in normal conversation. It's great. Use it to talk to the guys while watching the game.
Speak and pronounce words like a football enthusiast. The aim of Football speak is to give 'geeks' or socially-inactive people the ability to participate in conversations with football enthusiasts without sounding suspicious.
A perfect tool to help you fit in with "the boys" during matches.
Sound like a regular football hooligan during the soccer world cup.
Keep your football lingo up to date!
Speak like a sports pro.
Straightforward interface
New phrase generator
Let the Football Speak app make you sound like the fanatic you are and impress everyone with your football jargon.
Make sure your next exciting match comment is at your fingertips.