关于Fora Memo
This application was designed especially for Fora Dictionary frequent users (eg foreign language e-books readers). While you are working with Fora Dictionary, you can create and maintain a list of words that are important for you to know. Fora Memo uses this list and, based on Super Memo algorithm, calculates the best repetition schedule. With this approach accruing process is much more efficient than just learning words by a random pick. There is only one requirement - you have to be consistent. Super Memo method expects at least one sitting a day.
How to configure Fora Memo
- first you have to have a list of words created in Fora Dictionary
- then in Fora Memo main window you have to click ‘Select file’ and pick a file that contains words (usually: [sdcard]/.fora/wordlist.properties)
- setup process is completed. Every time when a list of words is changed you can click ‘Reload file’ - it refreshes information about words in Fora Memo. This happens every time when you start application, as well.
How to use Fora Memo
- on main screen you have two statistics:
* total number of words
* todo - meaning what you should or can do. It is presented as six numbers:
this numbers mean:
aa - number of words scheduled for a current day and haven’t been presented to you this day
bb - number of words scheduled for a current day and required to be repeated because you haven’t answered correctly
cc - number of words scheduled for a current day and answered correctly
dd - number of words that have never been presented to you
ee - number of words that have been presented to you on a specific day for the very first time and required to be repeated because you haven’t answered correctly
ff - number of words have been presented to you on a specific day for the very first time and answered correctly
- button ‘Start’ moves you to repetitions mode. In this mode, individual words are presented to you and you have to recall a correct answer and evaluate yourself. In case of any doubts, you can open Fora Dictionary and recheck presented word. Depending on number of repetition you can evaluate yourself in a six-grade scale (for the first presentation) or two-grade scale (for others). On the top of the page todo numbers are presented
- button ‘More...’ gives you an opportunity to see some statistics and export/import schedule settings
Fora Memo is LGPL licensed. If you want to leave some input visit: https://code.google.com/p/fora-memo/
Fora Dictionary site: http://ng-comp.com/fora/android.htm
More about Super Memo method: http://www.supermemo.com/index.htm
* list of words can be provided in one of two formats:
-- Fora Dictionary xml format
-- txt format with words/phrases in rows