关于Free ABC Animal Flash Cards
ABCs Animal Flash Cards is a Free Flash Cards App Developed with the help of my 5 year old daughter, Lilly!
Learn the alphabet / ABCs and learn about animals too. These educational flash cards are a great way to learn the ABCs.
I worked on this app and recorded Lilly's voice for each of the free animal ABCs flash cards.
Your children will enjoy learning from Lilly! Best of all the app is 100% FREE. The app is supported by limited ads- and any of the pennies that come through from the ads go straight to Lilly's college fund!
✓ Bright, Colorful alphabet / ABCs Animal Cards
✓ Each Card Displays an Letter, than the full animal name and the sound.
✓ Each Card features Lilly's voice: i.e. "P", "Panda"
Get the App Now - More updates to come including numbers, colors and more!
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