关于Free Music
Listen music freely, free music is a multi-source music player.
Music is everywhere, free music is a multi-source online music player.
Given the name of an artist, album or song we will find the best available source and play it - whether that be from Spotify, Beats Music, Rdio, Deezer, GMusic, Grooveshark, SoundCloud, Official.fm, Jamendo, Beets, Ampache, Subsonic or your phone’s local storage.
Get your favorite songs more easily by typing the name of the artist, album or song, type of Classical, Jazz, Blues, Reggae, Hardcore, Rock, Ballad, Metal, Pop, Dubstep, and others.
Key Features:
+ Choose an artist to find more songs
+ Powerful equalizer
+ Easy-to-use playlists
+ Artist, album, track view
+ Strong search
* Free Music is online music player, not music downloader or mp3 downloader.
* Due to music copyright, Free Music don't provide music download or mp3 download.
* Free Music uses legal sites public API. Please send your complaints or suggestions to us.
* Please Consider the review because of some unknown musics and we have to provide you the copyleft contents artist are consider to provide their music in free and no copyright condition.