关于French Numbers to Words
Converts numbers to words in French including the currency. The generated text is suitable for writing checks.
Especially for non-native French speakers, the correct spelling of the numbers in French is somewhat of a mystery. When should you write an 's' at the end of a word? Should a particular word agree in gender and number with something? What is the gender of the name of the major and minor currency? This app takes care of all of those complications, and more, insuring that you have the correct spelling of your amount in a format that you can copy directly onto a check or invoice.
The app accepts numbers up to 999,999,999.999 It is optimized to support currencies for the French-speaking countries, although it does allow currencies from other countries. It supports the locale variations for the numbers 70, 80, and 90 for Belgium and Switzerland, correctly enforces agreement in number and gender, and is careful to use the correct number of places after the decimal point for the specified currency.