关于Friend Finder
This application allows you to find new Friends near you, in a range of about 200-250 Km, using your current approximate geolocation coordinates (if a user doesn't want to be found, he/she can set his/her visibility status in the app to "NOT Findable").
Friend Finder is ideal if you are looking for boyfriend, girlfriend or simple new friendships.
For each found user near you, if he/she is "Findable", you can see:
- full name,
- date of birth,
- relationship status,
- sex.
By a direct link that opens in your default browser, you can see his/her public Facebook profile, to see more user's details and send messages (to chat), friend request, etc...
IMPORTANT: Through this application you can only find (and you can be only found by) users who: 1) have installed this application on their devices, 2) are near you in a range of about 200-250 Km, 3) are "Findable" and 4) had used this application in last 48 hours.
Please report bug and/or suggestions to [email protected] .