关于Galactic Rabbit
The notorious leader of the evil turtles has kidnapped the beloved rabbit princess and has inhabited the galaxy with his goons! Is all hope lost? No way!
Enter: You!
The Galactic Rabbits want revenge and it's your job to extract it! You have to save the princess and prenvent the turtle leader from financing his maniacal plot of Turtle Domination by swiping the goods out from under his slimy beak.
Galactic Rabbit is a speedy, colorful action game unlike any other.
In order to play Galactic Rabbit you must understand three rules:
1. Run like the wind.
2. Shoot everything that moves.
3. If you can't shoot it, take it.
Galactic Rabbit has 6 levels on 3 different planets, 1 boss, 3 bonus levels, a secret planet to unlock, 4 difficulty modes and its own online leaderboard! Can you become the world number 1? Be aware! The competition will be hard.
Galactic Rabbit use assets from Jazz Jackrabbit © Epic Games, Inc.