关于Galaxy Free Aquarium Wallpaper
This Galaxy Aquarium Live Wallpaper( 3D wallpaper) gives your mobile handsets with a stunning features of personalizing your home screen. ( You could select 4 background screen colors with full version of live wallpaper, please check the full version..free.....enjoy personalized setting of live wallpaper!)
1. Beautiful background with rock stones and plants in Aquarium live wallpaper.
2. Variety of animated sea fishes in the Aquarium live wallpaper.
3. Water Bubbles in your aquarium live wallpaper.
4. NO ADs
5. less battery consumption for Set Live wallpaper.
It is an entertaining app. Enjoy the personalized screen saver.
Now full version is Customized and released free!
1. Change the speed of fishes animation in the Aquarium Live wallpaper.
2. Change of background color with 4 variants for the Live wallpaper.
3. Water Splash Effect will be added in next version.
Enjoy the personalized screen saver.
This live wallpaper has been tested on Galaxy Duo series, Sony Series and other Android phones.