关于Game English
- Program designed to support được for the identification, remember transcriptions of vowels and consonants in English.
- The task of the player is selected fields of vowels or consonants đó mà you can trở, if one vowel or consonant mà không khi you read phonetically mà bạn ie false reading.
- Move to program one way to learn English easily transcribed coal, coal comfortable, enjoyable coal.
- The program provides identification marks:
• Vowel
• Consonant
• Vowel + R
• Short Vowel
• Long Vowels
• Diphthongs
• Signs recognized as a number of consonants
• Determine the stress under the suffix
• Mute
- In addition, the program also supports one special feature analysis is based on identifiers from bị enter.
- Abbreviations used:
• ...: You can sew vowels or consonants (identifiers without ellipsis '...' at one or both ends -> Print from the need to identify signs of it)
• *: Rhythm
• 1 *: From have a syllable
• 2 *: From have two syllables
• n *: Since many syllables
• P.Am consonant (consonant)
• N.Am: vowel (vowel)
• + -: Yeah for some cases of
• / Eil /: Posted transcribed into
• (x): x is from any (vowel or consonant) should read the other negative
• [x]: x is from not have read (silent without reading)
• ': the accent, this symbol is present in terms that left the first vowel in the phrase that most sẽ accent
• -x: x not be hit accent
- We are all very happy khi comments constructive program as better days.
- We thank you much used programs!